Why toddlers throw tantrums

It is one of the most frustrating things to handle toddler’s tantrum for any parents. Many parents are concern about it or think it is a disaster when their toddler throw temper. Yes, it indeed creates uncomfortable situations that test parent’s patience. But understand It’s a typical stage of child development. Learn about why toddlers throw tantrums can help you react when confronted with it as well as you calm yourself down, and also prevent the future tantrums from occurring.

The common reasons for toddlers throw tantrums

a toddler girl cry

1. Not enough vocabulary to express themself

Think about that you want to tell someone to pass you a cup of water or whatever, but you can’t express with words and people don’t understand you, they gave a box of juice, how frustrated it is. That is what a toddler goes through every day. They have not yet mastered the verbal skills to tell you what they need, what’s is going on with them, rather what they can do is simply crying to let you know they have troubles and need your help. Sometimes you cannot call they are having tantrums, toddlers even don’t know what that means, they just get frustrated, and crying is the way they ask for help.

2. Physical pain

Your toddler might not feel well, like tummy rumbling, or discomfort occurring from teething. Every part of their body grows at a rapid rate, and growing teeth can be painful for some children, which is also difficult to ignore. What you can do is try to find out how much pain and discomfort your little one is going through and get the solutions to help them out, like providing them teething rings, or give them ice compress or some pain reliever (follow the doctor’s advice) if you found their face is red or swollen.

3. Fail at accomplishing a task.

Toddlers have an intense desire to be independent and control over their environment, which beyond their capabilities. For example, they think ‘l can wear shoes and tie the laces by myself’. And then when they try to put the shoes on but fail that may cause a tantrum.

4. Tired, lack of sleep causes a tantrum

Though young children seem to have endless energy to explore they need nap and rest. when they lack of sleep or getting tired after running all day, they can have a meltdown.

5. They are hungry or can’t get the thing they want

They cry for the thing they can not get whether it is reasonable (like food, water, a hug) or not( snacks, dangerous stuff). They don’t yet have the verbal skills to express their needs, so when they are hungry or thirsty they might act like babies, cry for needs. This usually happens when you go out like at the supermarket.

6. They feel ignored

Though young children don’t master verbal skills yet, they have emotional feelings, they can feel stressed or lonely if parents didn’t give them enough attention.

7. Affected by the environment

Toddler learned mainly through imitation. If parents lose temper often, the young children will think that is normal behavior act like parents and thought that is the way to solve the problem, also living in an environment like that also causes them stress.

4 tips to avoid toddler’s tantrums

  • Give them plenty of love and attention. Don’t be stingy with your cuddles and praise for their positive behavior.
  • Provide them a simple task that they can complete and make them proud of it.
  • Don’t order or demand them, try to ask their opinion, like ‘which shirt you want yo wear’
  • Notice your child’s habits, if you notice they are tired, turn off the lights and electronics to help your toddler power down for a bit. And remember pack a drink, a snack, and plenty of diapers every time you go out.

Ways to respond during a Tantrum

1. When the little one lost control, stay cool. It’s not your fault nor your toddlers’. If at a public place or your kids in danger of hurting themselves or others, move them to a quiet and safe place to help them calm down.

2. When you notice they using crying as a tool to manipulate you, one of the best ways to reduce this behavior is to ignore it or walk away. But don’t ignore their frustration when they fail at completing a task. Help them out and give them comfort. Guide them to use words or body language to express their needs and feelings, not with hitting or yelling.

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