How To Travel With A Toddler-7 Tips you do not want to miss

Travel along or with your partner friends is an enjoyable thing, but with a toddler, things will be different. Well, I am not gonna say it is won’t be pleasant but the truth is that you had to take more things into consideration. I understand we all want to create a happy and fun family time during the family trip. Check the following tips of “how to travel with a toddler”, you will get some hints.

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1. Choose  The Destination

person looking at map on brown parquet floor

No matter who you will go with travel, the first thing you will think of is where you want to go. The cold place, the tropics, the beach, the natural landscape, Disneyland..ect And the budget varies from people. Only you choose the destination then you can move for the next step and get ready for it.

Here are the some best places to go with kids for your reference, No matter whether you want a relaxing break or something a little more adventurous.


With good hotels, restaurants, the houseboat made of wood and palm leaves,  the state’s national parks,  Kerala offers  Indian experience at a more manageable pace for families with toddlers.



No matter in summer or winter, you can find fun in this small but brilliant country. Rent a car and head north from the capital to Maribor.



With tons of great places to go with kids, such as West Midlands Safari Park, Black Country Living Museum, Excellent Sea Life Centre..ect



With no end of pristine beaches,  hulking castle, fairytale Trulli. PUGLIA will be a great choice for a family holiday in the sun.



It offers plenty of pristine forests and adventure activities, such as hiking, camping, zip lines, canopy tours, and horse riding. And Reserva Santa Elena even has pushchair-friendly trails.



Twelve major festivals throughout the year which makes Edinburgh stand out.  Take ridiculous family photos at the Camera Obscura or get hands-on the Museum of Childhood, EDINBURGH offers plenty of fun and educational attractions for the whole family.



Brittany offers everything from charming seaside resorts and family-friendly campsites to remote coves and rocky promontories.



If you are interested in theme parks, then you don’t want to miss Florida. Or drive on the beach at Daytona or swim with manatees in the Crystal River.



Nairobi National Park, where lions, leopards, giraffe, and zebra roam free within sight of the city, is the perfect day trip for wildlife-watching.



You will get attracted to Bali’s enchanting Hindu culture and tropical landscapes. and the Gili islands will be the perfect place to enjoy the slow pace of island life.

If you want looking for more details and more destinations, you can read more on the 30 best places to go with kids

2. Book The Flight Ticket

Flight with a toddler tips

After deciding where to go, the next step is to book the flight. Here are some tips you won’t want to miss before you make the booking.

  •  Book a direct flight or one with a longer layover.

The landing will put pressure on your little one ears, making them uncomfortable, and scream on airplanes. More connecting flight means more landing and off. So as parents taking with young children, you better choose a direct flight. and if you must book a flight with a connecting, try to schedule more time between the flights. Trust me, you don’t want to be running through the airport with a toddler,  car set, and backpack. with more time, you can change a dirty diaper for your toddler, and most importantly, they can run free in the airport for a while to breath some fresh air and burn off energy.


  •  Schedule flights during nap time or bedtime

If you want your toddler to be quiet during the flight, try to book overnight flights whenever possible so they can be tired enough and it is dark enough for them to fall asleep more easily. If you just want to flight during day time, so better to schedule the flights during your child’s nap time. And don’t forget to bring a lightweight scarf,  Use it to block daylight or plane light.


  •    Buy a ticket for your toddler

While not paying for your toddler to fly is great, having to sit with her or him on your lap is not. And according to FAA on their website:” Did you know that the safest place for your child on an airplane is in a government-approved child safety restraint system (CRS) or device, not on your lap? Your arms aren’t capable of holding your child securely, especially during unexpected turbulence.”  If you do not buy a ticket for your child, ask if your airline will allow you to use an empty seat. but if you flight in high season, you may not get the chance to get a free empty seat, so if you have enough budget better to buy a ticket for your child.


  •  Contact your airline  before your trip  about child Identification

When flying domestically within the U.S., children typically do not need to show ID. and Identification is always required for international travel, and in some cases, you’ll need to fill out additional paperwork for your child. but every airline has its own rules about minors and identification. So contact your airline a few days before your trip about What identification do you kid need for the fly.


  •   Does a toddler need a car seat to fly?

Child safety seats are not required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). However, FAA strongly urges you to secure your child in a Child Restraint Systems (CRS) or device for the duration of your flight. A CRS is a hard-backed child safety seat that is approved by the government for use in both motor vehicles and aircraft.

3. Choose A Child-Friendly Hotel

hotel with swimming pool

Kids don’t like being cooped up in small spaces. So when choosing a hotel takes these into consideration: Can your toddler run around and explore? Does the hotel have a courtyard? Is the home rental near a park or shopping mall? If the weather doesn’t cooperate, can you make a game of running up and down hallways or hiding-and-seeking small items found around the room? And some hotels may so-called “kid-friendly” hotels but are not, maybe the pool was full of cocktail sipping and beer, people may yelling at midnight for the party, so read the more reviews before you book the hotels.

4. Package Checklist

A mom packing the luggage with a toddler boy


  •  Dress in comfortable layers and nursing shirt

When in flight,  think comfort and convenience first. Planes can be cold. Planes can be hot. Layers can help you and your child roll with any temperature with ease. Especial when going from a snowy place to the sunny tropics. It helps with drastic changes in temperature. And it is also helpful if your little one still needs to be breastfeeding.


  • Pack an extra change of clothing for toddler and you

Try to follow the rule of “pack two comfy outfits per day”.   And you can bring the items that can be mixed and matched. That way, if a shirt or pair of pants or shorts get dirty, you don’t have to change the entire outfit. And don’t forget to bring an extra change of clothes for yourself too. Since as parents, you are the ones who are usually hit with collateral damage when toddlers get into a mess.


  •  Bring extra the baby necessities

Bring twice as much formula, diapers, bottles, baby food and snacks on the plane as you think you will need. In case the plane becomes severely delayed or canceled. And You will not want your baby can’t stop crying because of the hungry, thirsty, dirty-diapered when stuck on the tarmac, circling above a storm.

baby necessities


  • Leave Behind What You Can Rent/Buy/Borrow There

Many Travel gear rental companies provide the Baby equipment rentals service, Items available for rent may include cribs, strollers, high chairs, beach toys, ski gear and much more!

5. How To Keep The Toddler Busy On The Plane?

A toddler boy sitting by aircraft window during the flight

Snacks, snacks, snacks, yes, don’t forget the snacks. And also the smart device movies and apps. it is the easiest way to keep your toddler happy with distraction during the flight. Take a look at the tablets which are for toddlers.

Here is are some organic and healthy snacks you can stock up on.

Plum Organics Mighty Snack Bars

Sprout Organic Wafflez Toddler Snacks

Hot Kid Toddler Rice Biscuits

Happy Tot Organic Soft-Baked Oat Bars

Sprout Crispy Chews

NurturMe Yum-A-Roo's Organic Toddler Snacks

Little Duck Organics Tiny Fruits and Veggies

6. Keep a Toddler’s Ears From Hurting During a Flight

Most people have felt the ear uncomfortable during takeoff and landing. For a toddler, though, can be more than just mildly uncomfortable; it can be painful. Here are some simple comfort measures that can prevent or relieve pain.

  • Give your toddler a dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen before you get on the plane. Always follow the medication dosage instructions.
  • Encourage them to drink water or juice before the flight and while the plane is taking off and climbing to altitude.
  • Offer a chewy snack but Avoid giving toddlers hard candy or gum.
  • Yawn frequently, and your child will probably imitate you
  • Keep your toddler awake during takeoff and landing. Because she will not swallow as often when asleep and they may wake up in pain

7. Take It Easy, People Will Understand You


Sometimes, you try everything, give bottles and snacks, try stories and movies, change diapers,  but still, your toddler is still going to cry loudly on the airplane. Take it easy, The most important thing is that you try and that other passengers witness that effort. They will understand. Soon enough, your plane will safely land and you can enjoy your next family travel adventure.

Do you have any questions or additional tips for travel with a toddler? Let me know in the comments below!

6 thoughts on “How To Travel With A Toddler-7 Tips you do not want to miss”

  1. Hi Lena, I enjoyed reading your article on How To Travel With A Toddler – 7 Tips You Do Not Want To Miss. There’s a lot of helpful and interesting information.

    You gave very good tips. I will try to remember this the next time I travel. You definitely need to choose a child friendly hotel. I agree because Kids get bored quickly.

    Thanks for Sharing these great tips,

    • Thanks Margaret, Yes, choosing a hotel which the kids like it will be important for your vacation. And it will make your trip more relaxed.

  2. Very educational post.

    I never thought that paying for a sit for your toddler could do a lot for their safety and you to be comfortable.

    I do agree that is is best to book hotels which are child friendly because some places your kids could “annoy” others in your space around your rooms and the like.


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